國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 范佳銘教授
Email: fanchiaming@gmail.com; ncfd2019@gmail.com
電話: (02)2462-2192 # 6122; 0921-118981
國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 范佳銘教授
Email: fanchiaming@gmail.com; ncfd2019@gmail.com
電話: (02)2462-2192 # 6122; 0921-118981
國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 范佳銘教授
Email: fanchiaming@gmail.com; ncfd2019@gmail.com
電話: (02)2462-2192 # 6122; 0921-118981
國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 范佳銘教授
Email: fanchiaming@gmail.com; ncfd2019@gmail.com
電話: (02)2462-2192 # 6122; 0921-118981
國立臺灣海洋大學河海工程學系 范佳銘教授
Email: fanchiaming@gmail.com; ncfd2019@gmail.com
電話: (02)2462-2192 # 6122; 0921-118981

黃育熙1*, 廖川傑2, 黃御宸1, 陳柏宇1
摘 要

Development of multi-phase model for sediment transport
Cheng-Hsien Lee1, * and Yi-Hsuan Kuan1
1Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University
*Email: kethenlee@gmail.com
Sediment transport is inherently a multi-phase phenomenon, encompassing grain-scale processes such as particle collisions and prolonged particle interactions with the fluid medium. While multi-phase models have garnered attention in the past decade, they still exhibit several limitations. Notably, these models struggle to accurately produce shear-induced volume changes and the consequent pore-pressure feedback, both of which play pivotal roles in subaqueous landslides. This study is dedicated to the development of an innovative multi-phase model for sediment transport, based on an Eulerian-Eulerian framework. The proposed model introduces a novel evolution equation specifically designed to determine the static solid pressure resulting from prolonged particle interactions. This equation effectively characterizes shear-induced volume changes in plane-shear configurations, addressing a critical limitation in existing models. Moreover, the newly devised multi-phase model demonstrates remarkable capabilities in capturing distinctive features associated with pore-pressure feedback, including the diverse collapse dynamics observed in granular columns with varying packing densities. Beyond theoretical advancement, this model finds practical applications in simulating waves generated by landslides and investigating the morphodynamics of gravel beaches. In summary, this research makes a significant contribution to the field of sediment transport by mitigating existing model limitations and providing a comprehensive framework for understanding the complexities of sediment motion, particularly in the context of subaqueous landslides.
Keywords:Multi-phase model; Sediment transport; Pore-pressure feedback; Underwater landslide; Gravel beach.
Capsule Biography
Dr. Lee obtained his Ph.D. in Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering from National Cheng Kung University in 2010. Following four years as a postdoctoral researcher at esteemed institutions like National Taiwan University, Nanyang Technological University, and the National University of Singapore, he joined Tamkang University as an Assistant Professor in 2015. In 2020, he assumed the role of Associate Professor at the Department of Marine Environment and Engineering at National Sun Yat-sen University and was later promoted to Full Professor in 2022. In 2023, he took on the additional responsibility of serving as Department Head. Dr. Lee's research interests encompass multi-phase modeling, sediment transport, coastal engineering, underwater landslides, and landslide tsunamis.

Recent Advances in Meshfree Formulation for Extreme Mechanics Problems in Submarine Applications
Tsung-Hui (Alex) Huang (黃琮暉)
Department of Power Mechanical Engineering
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Submarine applications involve mature computational methodology for predicting pressure hull stiffness against strong impact, fractures, and fragmentations, which is numerically challenging for conventional mesh-based formulation. Over the past two decades, meshfree particle methods such as the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM) and the Material Point Method (MPM) have demonstrated their effectiveness in modeling these phenomena as they naturally bypass mesh connections and associated mesh entanglement issues. However, the particle-based integration within the Galerkin formulation can lead to numerical artifacts affecting accuracy and stability. In this study, recent advances in MPM and RKPM are introduced. For MPM, the Variational Consistent (VC) correction with a smooth RK approximation was developed to ensure Galerkin exactness in the material point integration, while addressing the well-known MPM cell-crossing issue. Likewise, a similar strategy is used to plate/shell modeling using RKPM, developing a quasi-approximated bending-consistent formulation for ensuring a properly descripted plate kinematics. To counter stress instability resulting from low-energy modes, a novel nodal stabilization based on the Variational Multiscale (VMS) method has been developed. These two research areas offer significant advantages for modeling submarine hulls under impact, fracture, and fragmentation. The provided numerical examples benchmark the effectiveness of these new developments for submarine applications.
Tsung-Hui (Alex) Huang is currently an Assistant Professor of Power Mechanical Engineering Department at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). His research focuses on computational mechanics for extreme mechanics with specialization in the development of meshfree methods and machine learning algorithms. His recent research contribution has won him several awards, including NTHU New Faculty Research Award (2022), NTHU College of Engineering Young Researcher Award (2022), MOST Cross-Generation Young Scholars Program (2021), UCSD Structural Engineering Department Nomination for Chancellor’s Dissertation Medal (2021), and several conference travel awards (USACM, WCCM, FEF, … etc). He received BS (Mechanical Engineering) from National Taiwan University, MS (Mechanical Engineering) from University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and PhD (Structural Engineering) from University of California San Diego (UCSD).
Revealing the Enigmas of Brain Tissue Displacement and Cerebral Pressure Distribution through Poroelastodynamics
The human brain, an intricate organ of unparalleled complexity, resides within the confines of the cranium, continually adapting to the dynamic forces of daily life. Understanding the behaviour of brain tissue displacement and cerebral pressure distribution is of paramount importance, particularly in the context of traumatic brain injuries, neurodegenerative diseases, and surgical interventions. This presentation explores the captivating realm of poroelastodynamics, an interdisciplinary field that melds principles of porous media mechanics and elastodynamics to unveil the intricate interplay between brain tissue deformation and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics.
Our exploration into this captivating domain will commence with an introduction to the essentials of poroelastodynamics, elucidating the mechanics governing brain tissue displacement. We shall delve into the intricacies of cerebral pressure distribution and its pivotal implications for brain health. Through a blend of theoretical insights and cutting-edge research discoveries, we will investigate how poroelastodynamics can provide a more profound comprehension of brain biomechanics.
This presentation aspires to ignite the curiosity of both researchers and clinicians by highlighting the potential applications of poroelastodynamics in diagnosing brain pathologies, refining surgical procedures, and formulating innovative treatment strategies. Join us as we embark on a scientific odyssey to unlock the mysteries of the brain's response to mechanical forces, and pave the path for advancements in neurobiology and clinical practice.
周鼎贏博士目前服務於國立成功大學生物醫學工程系,其主持的生醫力學實驗室主要致力於探索工程及醫學之間的重要議題,該團隊主要技術乃以演算法開發與超大型高效能計算(Ultra High Performance Computation, UHPC)模擬實現為核心,採交叉整合跨領域發展並透過超大型高效能計算為產業界做最全方位的服務,如:能源、熱流與衛星散熱模擬、造船與海洋工程、醫學影像處理、虛擬生理人模型、人工智慧與機器學習、光健康醫療…等。
稍早前周博士自西元2017年7月回國後,即在中央大學機械系擔任助理教授為期三年。與此之前,周博士於2017年3月取得英國牛津大學工程科學暨生物醫學工程所博士, 而其博士論文研究課題是針對大腦環境利用多孔彈性力學理論,提出專門描述大腦環境的數學模型,即為一種多重網絡之大腦多孔力學(Cerebroporomechanics), 此模型能夠應用於多尺度神經血管複雜性問題,基於此模型來觀察並研究腦神經相關疾病,如阿茲海默症(Alzheimer's Disease ,AD)、腦水腫(Cerebral Oedema)、水腦(Hydrocephalus)及 創傷性腦損傷(Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI)等。在其攻讀博士期間,申請到歐盟委員會第七期科研架構(The seventh Framework Programmes, FP7)中的虛擬生理人失智症研究計畫(the Virtual Physiological Human: DementiA Research Enabled by IT, VPH-DARE@IT)為其提供資助,以完成該博士學位。此外,其於中華民國九十八年獲得美國阿拉巴馬大學亨茲維爾分校化工及材料工程系之全額獎學金,且於隔年獲得該校碩士學位。於此期間,周博士之研究課題為DNA於流場中的摺疊及拉伸力學行為之流固耦合問題(Fluid-structure Interaction Problem, FSI),此研究平台是基於他在 ESI集團下的CFD-ACE+套裝軟體公司(前身為CFD-RC公司)工作機會,進而利用他當時維護及開發的Marco-particle模組進行該模擬研究。接著,周博士在中華民國九十四年 取得國立台灣大學工程科學及海洋工程系碩士學位,而其第一篇碩士論文是使用無奇異性邊界積分式(Nonsingular Boundary Integral Equations, BIEs)解決內流場問題。最後,他在中華民國九十一年取得國立台灣海洋大學系統工程暨造船系學士學位。